Enterprise-Level Environment: Overview and Goals


Welcome to “Enterprise-Level Environment,” a comprehensive blog series dedicated to the ambitious undertaking of creating a sophisticated homelab setup that emulates the complexity of an enterprise network. This series will serve as a chronicle of my journey, documenting the decisions, challenges, and solutions that arise when striving for an enterprise-grade configuration in a homelab setting.

From selecting the right hardware to the nuanced configurations of network services and security policies, this series is tailored to provide insights that bridge the gap between novice enthusiasm and professional IT administration.

A Word of Caution: From a Homelab Hobbyist

Before we dive deeper, a brief disclaimer: I embark on this project as an enthusiastic homelab hobbyist, not a professional network designer. This setup, born from meticulous research and a deep passion for technology, is not intended to be a blueprint for building a secure enterprise network. Instead, it’s designed to illustrate what an enterprise-level network could look like. While security has been a consideration in this homelab environment, please remember that I am not a professional network designer. This guide is intended to inspire and educate through demonstration rather than serve as a professional standard for network security or design. During some parts of this project, I may present a high-level overview, particularly in areas where the setup steps are commonly known or straightforward, expecting that intermediate enthusiasts will have the knowledge to fill in the gaps. More intricate or unique aspects will be explored in detail to ensure clarity and comprehension for all readers. That being said, I’m always open to questions in the comments section. 🙂


The primary goals of this series are:

  1. Educational Value: To distill complex IT concepts into approachable, step-by-step guides that enhance the reader’s learning experience.
  2. Real-World Applications: To provide practical examples and real-world scenarios that you can apply to your own setup.
  3. Security-Centric Approach: To place an emphasis on security, offering guidance on safeguarding a network while maintaining usability and functionality.
  4. Continuous Improvement: To illustrate the importance of ongoing learning and adaptation in IT, showing how a homelab can evolve with the addition of new technologies and practices.

What’s in Store?

Here’s a snapshot of the topics we’ll explore:

  • Establishing Core Services: Our journey commences with the deployment of essential network services. We’ll delve into Active Directory for robust user and resource management, alongside implementing DNS, DHCP, and more to provide network resilience and agility.
  • Integration and Interoperability: Attention will be given to integrating Linux systems within a Windows-centric ecosystem.
  • Monitoring and Analytics: Will go over how to leverage Splunk for ingesting various logs, creating dashboards, and developing correlation searches to maintain oversight and drive security intelligence.
  • Security at the Forefront: Implementing a proxy server and deploying AD-integrated certificates will demonstrate how to enhance security and manage web traffic effectively.

Closing Thoughts

As someone with a BA in network security, this series is a fusion of my academic knowledge and a personal passion for technology. With each post, we’ll unravel the complexities of enterprise-level networking in a homelab context. I look forward to any input and feedback in the comment sections.

In the next post, will go over Hardware.

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