Enterprise-Level Environment

Current Posts:

Coming Soon:

  • Active Directory Setup – (Setup finalized; detailed blog post coming soon.)
  • Configuring RDP Access with Group Policy and OpenVPN – (Setup finalized; detailed blog post coming soon.)
  • Configuring File share with Group Policy – (Setup finalized; detailed blog post coming soon.)
  • Linux Integration in an AD-Dominated World – (Setup finalized; detailed blog post coming soon.)
  • Ingesting Firewall Logs with Splunk – (Groundwork finalized; detailed blog post coming soon.)
  • Ingesting IDS Logs with Splunk – (Groundwork finalized; detailed blog post coming soon.)
  • Ingesting Winevent Logs with Splunk – Winevent and Sysmon – (Groundwork finalized; detailed blog post coming soon.)
  • Implementing a Proxy Server with AD-Integrated Certificate Deployment – (Research needed; detailed blog post coming soon.)
  • Splunk Deep Dive – Proxy Traffic and Security Logs – (Groundwork finalized; detailed blog post coming soon.)
  • Splunk Deep Dive – Dashboard Development – (Groundwork finalized; detailed blog post coming soon.)
  • Splunk Deep Dive – Correlation Search Development – (Groundwork finalized; detailed blog post coming soon.)
  • To be Determined